How to handle emotions

Indicators vs facts Emotions are just indicators, and they are designed to protect us in a split-second reaction. But left unchecked, we can easily latch on to them and treat them as facts. Emotions are a way for our subconscious mind to tell us that something is a potential threat to us, and it’s our … Read more

Constraints are essential to healthy living

It’s easy to think about constraints as something negative, when in fact it might unlock a whole new level of productivity. But not just productivity, for any behavior to be healthy we need to establish constraints. Keep good things good All good things in life require proper constraints ex: work, people, exercise. It is very … Read more

Avoid defaults 

We are built to thrive on defaults What are defaults, and why are so accustomed to them? Defaults are just defaults, more commonly known as “autopilot”. The big reason why we are running most of the time on the autopilot is efficiency, our brains are masters at optimizing energy consumption and defaults are a huge … Read more

Courage is what we need

Courage  We might associate courage with war and some extreme circumstances but actually, we need courage daily to counteract the power of fear. Fear is a very useful tool, but left unchecked can wreak havoc in our lives.  I would argue that the main thing we need to progress and push ourselves forward is courage. … Read more

Two simple steps for productivity

1. A Capture system is separate from the execution Everything that needs to be done should be kept in a to-do list and every new task should go into that to-do list. Having a good capture system is crucial, this will free our brain resources and allow the brain to focus on the new and … Read more

The three questions

It is well known fact that if we ask more questions we can learn something more deeply than by just trying to memorize some facts. I recently came across three questions from Jim Kwik that might just be the only questions you need to ask while learning something new. (I slightly modified them to something that … Read more

How to deal with distractions

Tracking is key When Peter Drucker said what gets measured gets managed he was absolutely right. The reason I think this works so well is that we should not rely on our memory to track how much we spent on superfluous tasks. We will never have an accurate representation, but when we write down what … Read more